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How to Start Selling for Free in Item ATLAS

It is very easy. You can start selling within next 15-30 minutes times.

Signing up and getting ready your site to start selling should take about 5 min.

Signup and Preparing Your Shop

Signing Up-

  1. Signup to open your online shop - SIGN UP
    1. Enter your email address. Then check your email inbox (including spam/junk folder) for a One Time Code for your signup. We are Just making sure that no bot or unwanted thing misuse our system.
    2. Once you have the OTP, register by entering your details and the Code you received in your email.
      1. You cannot change your Web Address, so please choose carefully.
  2. You will be asked to verify your identity. Your shop will not be visible until you have verified yourself. Again, we want to keep bad sellers away. You can get verified by choosing any of the 2 options
    1. by Stripe Onboarding - It is Free and as soon you complete the verification, your shop will be ready to accept credit card payments via Stripe but You have option to chose not to use stripe if you want.
    2. by Stripe Identity - It is suitable for retailers from countries where Stripe is not available. You will need a government issued ID and you will need to take a selfie holding that ID. It is pretty easy and instant process.

Preparing The Shop to Sell

  1. SETUP PAYMENT METHOD - You need to setup the payment method you want to accept. Head to Settings > Payment Options. Install and Activate whichever payment method you like to accept.
    1. If you wish to accept Stripe, it will be ready just by enabling it if you have verified yourself via Stripe Onboarding that was mentioned in 3.a.
    2. If you wish to Accept CASH ON DELIVERY, Press Install next to COD under "Manual Payments"

  1. SETUP SHIPPING - Lastly, Setup Shipping by going Shopping > Location, you have to enter you shipping charges.
    1. Create a Location(s) first. Example: if you wish to charge $9 for shipping items to London and $15 to ship it to address in New York, you need to create 2 location.
    2. After that, enter the prices in Shipping Price section for that location. Click Create Method. Enter a Title that Shoppers can See in Order Page, put a price and select the location which will be covered by that price.


Now you can add products for shoppers to buy from you. Detail and How to add Products can be found here - Adding Products

The above steps will get your online shop ready to start selling. Those are the must required steps.

The following steps is recommended to have a professional appearance and may be required for legal purpose.

You need to Enter your business information. Go to Settings > Shop Setting and enter all Information

Once you have added your products, please do a test order. Buy an item from your own shop to make sure everything is ready to accept order.

What is my web address?

It is in your welcome email or click on Your Website button in your dashboard. 😊

How to Design My Site?

Here are some How to's-

How to add top Banner or Slider?

How to Customize Shop Design?

How to access my Dashboard?

You can access by clicking login button on top right corner or Click Here

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